Contact Westcoast Metalworks for any welding repairs. We use our team of dedicated tradesman to accomplish critical repairs precisely and safely. Westcoast Metalworks uses innovative thinking to keep up with our customers needs, and delivers quality repair work.

We have mobile welding services to repair heavy equipment on site. We repair loaders, dump trucks, beams, etc. We use several methods for repair including plasma cutting, oxy acetylene torch cutting, clad welding, air arcing, and grinding. Don't let your damaged equipment slow down production and contact us for a qualified welder.

Replacing the entire gate is very costly. Sometimes we're able to work a plan out with clients to repair parts of the gate to cut down cost and save money. If replacing the entire gate is the only option, Westcoast Metalworks could handle it as well.

At Westcoast Metalworks, we are dedicated to stepping up our efforts in repairing more structural issues. One of many repair services we offer is the repair of I-beams, C-channels, steel framing, and other heavy gage materials. Contact Westcoast Metalworks for a certified welder.
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